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Children start to explore the world around them as soon as they are born. At Kidzee, the play group curriculum enables children to continue their exploration.

Early experiences in the first few years of life are critical for acquisition of skills as maximum brain development happens during this period.

The objective of the program is to train parents to help them foster their child’s development by learning and practising child development through a scientific approach. This program will foster social, aesthetic and motor skills in young children. This program helps infants and toddlers develop their latent language and maths skills through the Glenn Doman method.

Zwei kleine Kinder sitzen auf einem Teppich in der Danielschule und spielen vertieft mit bunten Bauklötzen. Das Kind im Vordergrund trägt ein orangefarbenes Hemd und eine graue Hose und ist auf das Stapeln von Bauklötzen konzentriert, während das Kind in Gelb im Hintergrund ebenfalls sehr beschäftigt ist.
Zwei Jungen liegen auf dem Boden eines Klassenzimmers in einer christlichen Gesamtschule und teilen sich ein Buch. Der eine trägt ein rotes Hemd, der andere ein blaues. Hinter ihnen stehen grüne Regale mit bunten Behältern. Sie sind eifrig in ihr gemeinsames Leseabenteuer vertieft.
In einem hellen Raum in der christlichen Gesamtschule spielen eine Frau und drei kleine Kinder fröhlich mit bunten Bauklötzen am Tisch. Ein Kind stapelt Klötze, während die anderen zuschauen und weitere Klötze halten. In der Nähe steht ein Spielzeuglastwagen, der die spielerische Szene noch verstärkt.
Vier kleine Kinder sitzen um einen Tisch in der Danielschule und beschäftigen sich mit einem Kunstprojekt. Sie formen bunte Knete zu Formen und Figuren. Der Raum ist hell, ein sanfter grüner Vorhang bildet einen ruhigen Hintergrund und spiegelt die fürsorgliche Umgebung dieser christlichen Gesamtschule wider.
In einem hell erleuchteten Raum in der Danielschule sitzen eine Frau und ein junges Mädchen an einem Tisch und zeichnen mit Buntstiften. Die Frau lächelt und führt sanft die Hand des Mädchens. Ein Behälter mit Buntstiften steht auf dem Tisch, umgeben von Regalen im Hintergrund.
Key learning areas

Develop independent, creative
and critical thinkers


Our Kindergarten students spend one- on- one time reading every day with our reading instructor


Children’s math experiences expand as they count higher, compare more, make graphs, expand patterning skills

Bible Studies

Our beliefs are that the Bible is the Word of God. This also means in school it is important to teach the important things

Circle Time

This helps children learn how to function in a group setting ~ that there is a time to talk and a time to listen


Students are involved in many fun art projects consisting of different mediums such as painting, play dough, cutting...

Physical Education

The main goal for our pre-kindergarten classes is to focus on their basic locomotive skills


Popular questions

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh